Saturday, 14 March 2009


It's been one of those days where nothing went wrong as such but it didn't go to plan either.

Work was the same old same old. Went to go for a walk this afternoon all armed with cameras and small portly dog. We'd not got very far when we came across a load of wallys on horse back, dressed in red jackets and followed by fifty or so dogs. They blocked every footpath and bridleway, dashing around shouting, blowing horns and shooting something off . Tez thought he'd be able to take on all of the dogs so I had to stick him under my arm and we beat a retreat back home again.

Now fox hunting is banned right? So what were they doing? Do they just go out and pretend to chase something or do they just break the law? We weren't the only ones who had to turn back either, they'd effectively cut off every pathway. Anyway it really ticked me off.

I've had this image for ages. I took it because I couldn't quite believe that the sea had managed to breach this wall, it just goes to show you the power it has. I've tried to process it many times but never could get an image that was balanced and looked right to me. So I tone mapped it instead, not to get an HDR look or feel to it but just to balance it. The other thing that bothered me was the fact that I'd stupidly plonked the breach right in the middle of the frame but I've tried different crops and decided in the end that it looked right to me just where it is. Let me know if you think that's right or wrong and if so where would you have put it? If we don't share these thoughts and ideas we can't improve, well that's how I see it.



Anonymous said...

i think it's a great shot, i like the way it looks in the middle, and the tonemapping looks awesome

Anonymous said...

I agree with Elaine, the breach in the middle works for this shot, gives some symmetry which works well for this,
Wonderful processing, was going to do a tutorial and try some new techniques but just cannot get my head around them today
Hope tomorrows a better and hunters free day

Unknown said...

That's a cool frame.
I love how the texture of the stone imitates waves.
Nice HDR :)

Anonymous said...

Spectacular texture. Very nice composition.