Saturday, 21 February 2009

The Shape Of Things.....

I got to spend a little time with the camera today. We dropped our son off at his guitar lesson and went for a walk.

I walked an area that I'd been wanting to have a closer look at for a while now and whilst conditions weren't as I would have liked I don't know how many chances I'll get to go back.

I haven't had a chance to really have a close look at what I have but I thought I'd post this little taster and hopefully I'll be back tomorrow with something better.

Before I sign off, just a little note; Stephen, nice to bump into you today, thank you for your kind comments on the photography and here's to a safe journey for you. Hope to see you soon ;O)



Anonymous said...

what the heck happened there? looks like a biplane crashed into the building.... lol i just noticed the name of a blog post overpaid oversexed and over here, made me laugh! sorry about the song running thru your head :) nice shot!

Anonymous said...

The building sure sees to have had better days, wonder what happened to it
I like this shot a lot interesting textures and eye catching

Pere Chuliá said...

Buen detalle constructivo. La toma es impactante. Saludos.

Anonymous said...

Wow.. what happened there?
I'm used to see photos like from Sderot or Gaza...
Kind of sad to admit that I'm used to see photos like that in here (Israel). Hope everything is ok there, in/for that house.