Tuesday, 26 May 2009

Pedal Through The Metal

I'm a few days into my holiday, I think I may have started to relax!

I spent all day in the garden yesterday weeding the borders etc, has to be the worst part of gardening but I feel better for getting it done and it's a good job I did because it rained all night long!

I don't know what the rest of the week holds yet except that we're off on a ghost walk around London tomorrow evening which should be fun. Now do I take the camera? Not for ghost catching you understand, I really don't know why people think orbs are anything other than dust! I might get the airbrush out and do a little model making later on this week, it's a hobby I've neglected for quite some time.

This is an image that I've thought about posting for a while but had never really got around to doing anything with it so having a little time an my hands this morning I thought I'd have a bash at it. I was going to leave it pure B&W but let some colour seep through at the last minute to give a hint of those rusty tones.



Vicki G said...

Love your blog! This pic is incredible!!!!
