Wednesday, 10 June 2009

Like Yer Hat

It has to be said that I don't feel like blogging much at the moment, in fact I don't really feel like picking up the camera even.

We've all felt like this at some time or other and probably more than a few times. It's best to wait and not force the issue otherwise they'll be no enjoyment in it which, for me at least, is what it's all about. I have a lot of shots in the can but can't work up any desire to work on them, it'll come back, soon I hope once I've got some other projects completed and off of my mind!

So having said that I'm blogging, go figure. I was flicking through some older RAW files and came across this. It always made me smile but I'd never processed it. I know it's not a great photograph but it is a great expression and I remember the moment clearly, the sudden realisation that the lens was pointing at him and his hat just as I clicked the shutter. As I lowered the camera I looked beyond him and pointed at something else, seemed to put his mind at rest



Vicki G said...

Can't wait to see what you come up with when your creative mojo returns.........yep, take a break.....your desire will come back two fold!!!!

Have a great day!


martie said...

Yes, he doesn't seem too pleased. But I like it a lot - an ordinary moment frozen in time. And as someone who doesn't seem to be able to photograph people, I admire this shot very much!

Christopher said...

Great story!

Ilan said...

That's exactly what I do when people notice me taking their photo :)
I just act as if they were interfering me taking a photo of something behind them :)

Come on, where is you energy! :)

Alex said...

Buen retarto, saludos.