Thursday, 4 February 2010

Raw Revisited

The last few days, in what spare time I've had, I have been making a huge effort to reduce the amount of unprocessed RAW files residing on my hard drive.

Some have been deleted, some are family stuff, some are images I wish to keep but wouldn't necessarily blog and some have surprised me in that I really quite liked them having overlooked them many times. The batch I've been working on are from summer 2008 which shows you how far I am behind!

Let me know your thoughts as always.

On another note I am considering moving the blog to a new location. If I can export all of my work from the blogger version then I'll do it but at the moment it's a big IF I think. I'm not willing to move and start afresh or manually migrate over 350 posts! I'll keep you posted.



John Maslowski said...

Excellent shot, love the view point especially with the splashing ocean waves. Great B&W image, like the details of the wood along with the contrasts.

Yvonne said...

Love the waves in this b/w, beautiful image...don't think of being behind...think of it as their time is for the future...what platform are you considering.

fredamans said...

Beautiful composition.

Elaine- said...

i love having tons of photos i haven't bothered with, something to go back to during a dry spell... but i'm even running out of THOSE... this is a lovely shot, so full of photographic life, can't believe you passed over it before!!

WR said...

Just scrolled through your photos. Beautiful creative work!

martie said...

I really like this one - the processing is great, but it's the perspective that draws me in!