Sunday, 30 December 2007

First post!

Well here I am my first post on a new blog.

Goaded/inspired by a very old friend CJ who has rekindled the burning embers of my interest in photography and images in general. I shall use this space to post my images and random thoughts of the day/week/whatever.

I've far too many interests for the time I have available but I try to fit some of everything in. I've a love for all things retro, an old Mod from the eighties some of which is still under my skin somehow, with regards my musical tastes and my almost obsessive attention to detail in most everything I do which leaves me sometimes overlooking the bigger picture! I have a vespa under slow restoration, a half built old school bmx (why??) I love woodwork, model making (WII aircraft), photography, computers, walking/countryside with my not so trusty dog Terry (he always gets over excited about going for a walk then wants to come home five minutes later). In general I love to make/fix/restore things, anything! A near 30 year membership as a child and leader in The Church Lads' & Church Girls' Brigade combined with a love of marching bands and in particular brass and bugles.

Right now in that limbo period between Christmas and new year I've been out and about walking with my camera and that brings me to todays image which, for a change, I rather like :-)



ID7 said...

Mate, welcome to a new place. Your first image is very familiar, maybe its the tonality or the sharpness, but I like this image for different reason, good stuff.

CraigM said...

Cheers, appreciate your comments.